Hello and welcome to my portfolio! My name is Willard Peralta and I graduated from the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa in Spring 2020 with a Bachelor’s of science in computer science. My general interests are currently in software engineering and data visualization. To give some back story, I originally got interested in studying computer science because I was interested in digial media and film making. I was a videographer and video editor for a wedding cinematography company in Maui call Hifocused Cinematography where I used Canon DSLR cameras and edited videos in Adobe Premiere Pro. I also made some video projects on my own. Here’s a drone video I made in the summer of 2018!
My favorite part about digital media and videography was the sharing aspect of it, and how these digital projects eventually got published and shared online. This led to a curiosity of how the Internet itself even worked, and the rest is history. Now a graduate of computer science, I have a good understanding of the fundamentals of computer science, as well as know how to use various technologies. In this portfolio I have some of my projects I made for classes, as well as some projects of my own. Feel free to check them all out!